28 Ways to Get Free Stuff Online

Handsome young freelancer working with laptop in cafe with cup of coffee on table

One trend that never seems to get old is finding free stuff online. Many of us continually look for ways to spend less each month. Swapping pricey products and services for free alternatives is one way to have more cash. There are a variety of places …

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10 Ways to Watch Local TV Without Cable

Woman watching TV

Americans are growing wiser with how they spend money on entertainment. In 2025, statistics show that almost 60 million households have switched to “non-paying” TV. And that number is projected to reach 80 million by 2026. If you’re tired of paying for cable and realizing …

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What is a Fiver Party and Why You Should Throw One

kid blowing out candle

Have you ever heard of a fiver party?  If not a fiver party is a birthday party where you ask your guests directly for money for the birthday boy or girl. As you might have guessed, and as the name suggests the Money denomination is, …

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Extreme Couponing – 8 Real World Strategies To Save Time And Money

The lure of coupons can be intense. With endless reality shows showing extreme couponing and bargain hunters, who wouldn’t want a piece of that savings action?  But as a former extreme couponer myself, I can tell you that it’s tedious and time-consuming. I would spend …

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How To Keep Your Variable Expenses To A Minimum

variable expenses

As an adult, there are many expenses that you just can’t avoid. Housing, food, and energy costs are all essential, but, there are a few things that you can do to lower your variable expenses. If you are trying to stay on a budget, it …

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Emergency Funds the Pacifier for Unpredictable Events


The last few weeks have been unpredictable. It seems like things are changing daily. Businesses are temporary closing, employees are out of work, and supplies are in demand. These unpredictable events due to COVID19 have escalated quickly, and are affecting the entire world. In the …

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Why You Need to Budget During the Holidays

you need to budget

Generally, budgeting is not everyone’s favorite word or activity, especially during the holidays. But if there were one time you need to budget, it would be during the holiday season. You need to budget for several reasons, but the most glaring is the impulse factor, …

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American Workers Struggle to Save Money

American workers

American workers are enjoying historically low unemployment rates. But just because they are working, that doesn’t mean they have enough money to save. It appears many American workers can’t do everything, like saving for emergencies, retirement, and meet their monthly bills. Nearly 40% of American …

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Travel Tips How To Save Money On A Family Vacation

travel tips

Do you need travel tips to keep your vacation on a budget? Traveling with your family can quickly become one of your most treasured memories. The new experiences, adventures, and bonding opportunities it brings can allow families to take a break from the everyday stresses …

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7 Ways to Save Money at Home

Who wouldn’t want to have a little more money at the end of every month? Unless you can simply walk into your boss’ office and demand a raise, one of the easiest ways to end up with more money in your bank every month is to make the most out of the funds that you’re already making.

For the vast majority of people, there are dozens and dozens of ways that they can save money, just by making a few simple changes. You won’t have to turn your life upside down just to get some extra cash in your pockets every month. Because every family is different, the money saving tips are going to change from person to person, but there are a few key ways that just about anyone can use.

Cut Cable

One of the recent trends in saving money is by cutting the cord. If you’re looking for an easy way to save hundreds of dollars, it’s time to end your relationship with the cable company.

Thanks to online streaming services like Netflix or Hulu, it’s never been more enjoyable to cut your cable bill and save hundreds of dollars. The average family cable bill is a little over $100 every month for their cable. If you were to cut the cord and replace it with Netflix or Hulu (which costs around $15 every month), you could enjoy an extra $1,1000 at the end of the year.

save money

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5 Ways to Save Money in the Next 30 Days

hands holding coins

The majority of Americans find that there is just a little too much month at the end of their budget. Just about everyone could do with some more money in their pockets, but most of us can’t simply walk into the boss’s office and ask …

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