15 Best Places to Sell Furniture

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It’s possible to make some good money selling used furniture.

Some places allow you to sell your furniture pieces in person while others help you sell furniture online. Both options can make you some cash.

So whether you’re selling grandma’s estate pieces, earning money via retail arbitrage, or decluttering your own home, we can help by showing you where to sell used furniture.

Whatever your reasons, you want to get the most money for each furniture piece. Here is a list of the best places to sell furniture and get top dollar for it.

Our Top Picks

Bonanza – Sell multiple pieces of furniture online

Offerup – Sell Furniture locally with shipping option

Facebook Marketplace – Easy option if you already have an account

Top Places to Sell Furniture Online

Woman using smartphone
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

The sites listed in this section are popular for those wanting to sell furniture online. There are several to choose from and they all have different rules, so read the fine print on each site before you list.

1. Bonanza

Bonanza is an online store that will set up a booth within the website, i.e. your own personalized shop. The booth is free (and easy) to set up, and it’s free to list on Bonanza.

Once you sell your furniture piece on the site, you’ll pay Bonanza a Final Offer Value (FOV) fee of 3.5% based on the sale price and shipping price. If your item sells for over $500 you’ll pay an additional 1.5% flat fee.

You can use Bonanza Advertising to get more exposure for your listings. However, you will pay extra fees for that service.

Bonanza might be good for those who have only one or two items to sell. But I’m guessing it’s best for those who have multiple items to sell or want to make a business out of selling items.

With Bonanza, you can sell a multitude of other items besides furniture, including clothing, home decor items, and fashion accessories.

2. 1stDibs

1stDibs describes itself as the magic of a Paris flea market. In short, it’s a site that sells interesting and unusual furniture pieces.

1stDibs sellers have to submit an application to sell. This site isn’t really meant for selling one or two personal items. Instead, it’s meant for those who want to make a business out of selling used furniture.

You’ve got to have at least two references to sell on 1stDbits as well. Once you’re approved, 1stDibs staff acts as a kind of overseer for your store. However, most communication is directly between you and any potential buyers.

1stDibs does charge a monthly store fee as well as a 15% transaction fee on all sales. If a buyer pays by credit card there will be a 3% card fee charged to the seller as well.

3. Ruby Lane

rubylane logo vintage begins here

Ruby Lane focuses on antique and collectible furniture; mostly higher-end stuff. As an example, when I checked the site for this article they had a French Gothic-style bed with a pure gold overlay listed for $22,500.

This is another online consignment store that is meant for those who want to make a business out of selling used furniture. You need to have at least ten items in your shop at all times.

It costs $54 per month to have up to 50 items in your shop. If you have more than 50 items you’re charged a per-piece monthly fee. When you sell a piece you’ll pay a 6.7 percent service fee with a cap of $250 per item.

It doesn’t sound like you get much help from the site in terms of photo editing and so on. You’re paying mostly for the popular name and the secure site.

4. AptDeco

AptDeco is for those looking to sell used furniture in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut. You can sell anything from IKEA to Herman Miller here.

If you sell on ArtDeco, they’ll handle details such as:

  • Optimizing your listing
  • Recommending pricing
  • Coordinating payment
  • Pickup and delivery

And more. You can sell pretty much any furniture piece that’s in good condition on this site. It’s free to list here, and commission rates are based on the sale price of the item. Commission rates range between 25% and 38% based on the sale price and other factors.

Note: If you have higher-end items you may want to stick with a site that focuses on selling higher-end items, such as Ruby Lane. AptDeco’s large brand base may not make it the ideal site for selling higher-end items.

5. Sotheby’s Home

Sotheby’s Home (a branch of the Sotheby’s auction house) is for those selling high-end furniture. Its online consignment store only features unique and expensive items. As an example, I found several dining room chairs advertised for $2,000 each or higher.

That’s a little out of my price range when it comes to buying furniture, but based on the Sotheby’s Home website there’s quite a market for this stuff.

In order to sell an item at Sotheby’s you need to submit an application along with photos of the item. The company has certain brands and value thresholds ($1,000 minimum selling price) that must be met in order to sell on the site.

Once you sell your item, Sotheby’s will take a commission of between 40% and 50%. Your fee drops down to 40% if you consign over 20 items. Most items are listed with a “Buy Now” price, or buyers can make an offering price below the “Buy Now” price.

6. eBay

ebay logo

eBay is another site that lets you sell furniture either for a “Buy Now” price or an auction price. With millions of members from around the world, eBay will definitely get you a huge audience for your furniture piece.

However, if you sell on eBay you’ll probably have to figure out a plan for shipping. And shipping furniture can get quite expensive. The other thing about eBay is that they have pretty high fees for a site that really doesn’t assist you with your sale.

You’ll pay at least 10% for selling on eBay, and there can be other fees as well. But you may find the higher fees worth it since you’ll reach such a large audience.

Remember when listing on eBay to take shipping costs into account. Will you offer free shipping? Then work the shipping amount into your asking price. If you’re putting shipping as a buyer’s responsibility, be sure to estimate an accurate shipping amount using eBay tools so there are no surprises for the buyer.

7. Etsy

Etsy isn’t just for crafts and handmade items. You can also sell vintage items on Etsy, which means you can sell vintage furniture. And if you have handcrafted furniture pieces you can sell those too.

Keep in mind that Etsy is a bit spendy for sellers in terms of fees. You’ll pay a 5% commission when you sell, plus another 3.25% for payment processing. There’s a 20-cent listing charge too.

And unless you have the seller pay there will be shipping charges too. However, you can always work shipping charges into your list price.

I probably wouldn’t use Etsy if I were just selling one or two furniture pieces. But in case you have several pieces to sell or want to make a business out of selling furniture, Etsy might be the way to go.

8. Chairish

Chairish is another online consignment shop. This site focuses on selling vintage, antique, and contemporary furniture pieces.

You don’t have to be a business owner to sell on Chairish; you can sell just one item if you want. However, fees are less here if you’re selling more items.

If you have less than ten listings you’ll pay a commission of 30%. If you have ten or more active listings you’ll pay 20%.  These fee amounts are for pre-owned pieces. New and custom-made pieces always pay a 30% commission. For that benefit, curators assess your pieces and edit your photos for maximum professionalism.

9. eBid

eBid is the competition’s answer to eBay. It works pretty much the same, only you’ll pay a lot less in fees. eBid doesn’t quite have the viewership that eBay has, but it’s getting close.

And with a maximum 3% selling fee and zero listing fees, you’ll keep more money in your pocket. As with eBay, be sure to keep shipping costs in mind when selling furniture on this site.

Best Places to Sell Furniture Locally

The following places are some of the best places to sell used furniture locally.

10. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace continues to be a popular place to sell furniture for a few reasons. First, it’s local which means you can dispose of your furniture quickly.

Second, no one can message sellers on Facebook Marketplace unless they have a Facebook account. This offers an added level of security for some sellers and buyers. You can look over a potential buyer’s profile and potentially feel more comfortable about who you’re dealing with.

Third, Facebook Marketplace has a huge following. This means that thousands of locals will see your ad, which increases your chance of selling your furniture items.

Oh, and it’s free to list here and to sell too, as long as you’re selling as an individual and not as a retailer.

11. OfferUp

OfferUp is another free site for listing furniture and other items to sell, and it’s giving Craigslist a run for its money. You can post your furniture item on OfferUp in about 30 seconds using your phone or email address.

The OfferUp website is a bit more buyer-friendly too in that pictures of for-sale items are posted right on the site’s homepage. Both buyers and sellers have to create profiles before they can use the site, which gives an added measure of security to members.

Members can give ratings and badges to other members to show when they’ve had good (or bad) experiences with them. This feature gives another added level of security to buyers and sellers alike.

12. Craigslist

Craigslist may be ripe with competition, but it’s still a go-to site for a lot of people. When I buy or sell something I still visit Craigslist along with the other sites mentioned here.

Craigslist does charge fees for some listings now, such as automobiles. But you’ll still be able to list your furniture for free unless you live in Vancouver.

As with all in-person buy/sell sites, it’s important when selling on Craigslist to follow safety rules like meeting in a public or other safe space and only accepting cash from sellers. Bring someone with you and always tell someone where you’re going and when you expect to be back.

13. Consignment Stores

Another local option for selling your furniture is to check out consignment stores near you. Consignment stores will set your furniture pieces on display in their stores for shoppers to see.

When someone buys your furniture piece you split the sales price with the consignment store owner. Selling at a consignment store can give your furniture piece a more professional and attractive feel.

Commission amounts taken by stores will vary, as will the types of pieces they’ll take. But know that for the most part, the pieces have to be in good, clean condition.

Do an internet search for “consignment stores near me” to find local stores, and be sure you know all of the rules about selling through a store before you sign a contract.

14. Hold a Garage or Estate Sale

You can hold a garage sale or estate sale to sell your furniture pieces. These types of sales can go over well because people can come and look at the piece in person.

If you’re selling multiple pieces of furniture you can gain an even larger audience. The great thing about selling via a garage sale is that you don’t have to share any of your profits. There’s no one to split the income with and no commissions to pay.

Remember to advertise your garage sale both online at garage sale sites and by placing signs at busy street corners. You can advertise on Facebook as well. Set your prices a bit high to leave some room for bargaining.

Garage sales love getting a good deal on items.

15. Antique Stores

If you have antique or unique furniture pieces you may be able to sell them to antique stores in your area. Antique stores typically operate in one of two ways.

  1. A store owner or lessor will buy your item directly and then resell it.
  2. A store owner will allow you to place your item on consignment and then take a cut of the sales price as a commission

If you sell directly to an antiques dealer, don’t expect to get the same price they’ll sell it for. After all, they’re in the business to make money. That means they’ll work to buy your antique furniture piece at a low price and sell it for a high price.

However, you can feel free to bargain with them to get more than their initial offer price. Which antique store should you sell to? Feel free to try several in your area and see which dealer offers you the best price.

Find What Works

Shot of an attractive middle aged woman sitting on the sofa while using laptop
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

There are many places both online and in-person you can sell your furniture. The best places to sell used furniture depend on what type of furniture you’re selling and the price and convenience factor you’re comfortable with.

If you’ve got used furniture to sell, try one of the places listed here. And let us know how it goes. We’d love to hear about your experience.